Black on Black
While summertime is the season (if there is one) to look like a walkin' talkin' rainbow, there's still the occasional moment that black calls your name from the closet, begging for a night out on the town. And now that it's officially August (what the what!?), investing in some black is a wise transitional choice. Which is why Over the Moon asked me to put together some dark looks that are just as appropriate for ze summer as they will be in a couple months. So paint it black, my peoples.
Take a Walk on the Dark Side
Black: it's not just for the fall and/or winter. While it may not be the go-to resort wear color, there's still a way to incorporate it this time of year without looking like Wednesday Adams-goes-to-the-playa (a look I admittedly don't hate, but isn't the most requested around these parts). So bust out the black without any feelings of sweaty dread and take a walk on the dark side.